
GCWerks is used with hundreds of instruments worldwide, many Agilent GC and GC/MS instruments, and optical instruments such as Picarro and LI-COR.  Major networks include AGAGE, EarthNetworks, and networks in the UK, Australia, Switzerland, Norway and China.

The Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment

AGAGE is a global collaborative network with operators in many countries.  AGAGE measures about 50 compounds important to ozone depletion, primarily with the "Medusa" GC/MS.

Earth Networks GHG Network

A network of nearly 50 sites with optical instruments, located around the US, including the LA Megacities and the Northeast Corridor projects.

The sites are semi-autonomous, with data copied from the Linux mini-PC at each site to the Linux server every hour.  Results are updated nightly, with an hourly real time website "dashboard" to indicate network status.