
These pages (and additional ones) are under construction, and will be updated frequently.

User's guides

GCWerks GC and GC/MS data overview

GCWerks CRDS (optical) user's guide

Setup basics

Ubuntu setup for GCWerks

Ubuntu desktop and remote access

Downloading GCWerks

Installing GCWerks on a server

Installing GCWerks on an instrument computer

Copying data with gcwerks-rsync


GCWerks device configuration

Alarms and alarm emails

The dashboard


GCWerks metadata

Renaming runs

Exporting data with gcexport

GCWerks integration guide

Importing data

For data not acquired by GCWerks.

Importing Picarro data

Importing Chemstation data


GCcompare  and NetCDF data in AGAGE


Volume correction

Blank corrections

Quaternary drift correction

For developers

Writing GCWerks device drivers is for developers with access to the GCWerks development library gcwerks-dev.tar.gz.  Also see GCWerks device configuration.